
Behavior & Training

  • Using desensitization and counterconditioning, a behavior modification technique, can change a pet's negative emotional response to triggers. The technique is well suited for pets experiencing fear, frustration, or hyperarousal. Desensitization must be done slowly and systematically to avoid inadvertently sensitizing the pet.

  • Dog Behavior and Training: Play and Exercise

    Jugar con los propietarios y con otros perros no sólo proporciona ejercicio al perro sino que también satisface sus necesidades sociales. La falta de ejercicio puede contribuir a problemas como la hiperexcitabilidad, el comportamiento destructivo, la búsqueda constante de atención, la vocalización excesiva (ladridos), etc. Es especialmente importante asegurarse de que el perro ha hecho suficiente ejercicio antes de dejarlo solo en casa.

  • Play is important. All kittens need the opportunity to play with toys as well as social play. While learning about their environment, kittens can damage valuable objects, including furniture and curtains. Toys and treats can be hidden inside empty boxes and kiddie tunnels to satisfy a kitten’s need to explore. Supervise kittens carefully to prevent damage and to keep them safe.

  • A la mayoría de los gatos no es necesario adiestrarlos para enseñarles a utilizar su bandeja. En general es suficiente con disponer una bandeja con un sustrato apropiado que les atraiga. Alrededor de los 30-36 días de vida, los gatitos dejan el nido para encontrar un lugar separado donde hacer sus necesidades.

  • Cat Behavior and Training: Cat Neutering and Behavior

    Cuando son machos, los animales de compañía, de trabajo o de producción suelen castrarse a menos que se quieran utilizar como reproductores. La castración es una práctica muy común para prevenir comportamientos sexuales inadecuados, reducir la agresividad y evitar la descendencia accidental o indiscriminada.

  • Dog Behavior and Training: Neutering and Behavior

    Cuando son machos, muchos animales de compañía, de trabajo o de producción se castran, a menos que se quieran utilizar como reproductores. La castración es una práctica muy común para prevenir comportamientos sexuales inadecuados, reducir la agresividad y evitar la descendencia accidental o indiscriminada.

  • Socialization and Fear Prevention in Kittens

    La socialización es un proceso a través del cual los gatitos reciben información sobre sí mismos, sobre su especie y sobre otras especies con las que convivirán en el futuro. Una socialización adecuada permite a los gatitos interactuar con otros seres vivos y con su ambiente.

  • Lick granuloma in dogs, also known as acral lick dermatitis, is a condition manifested as chronic licking of an area of skin, usually on the forelimbs. This condition is thought to be both physical and psychological in nature. While the condition can be frustrating to get under control, most cases of lick granulomas can be successfully treated if the owner is willing to pursue extended tests and treatments.

  • Crate training is most used with dogs, but it can be useful for kittens and cats too. Crate training is useful in many situations, such as providing a safe place when home alone or unsupervised. Cats that are calm in their crates experience less distress when they need to travel, visit the veterinary hospital, or stay at a boarding facility. Starting while your cat is young makes training easier, but even adult cats can be trained to relax in a crate. If your cat shows signs of distress (e.g., prolonged vocalization, trying to escape, salivation, rapid continuous movement) while using the training methods provided in this handout, consult your veterinarian.

  • Crate training is useful in many situations, such as providing a safe place when home alone or unsupervised. Dogs that are calm in their crates experience less distress when they need to travel, visit the veterinary hospital, or stay at a boarding facility. Starting while your dog is young makes training easier, but even adult dogs can be trained to relax in a crate. If your dog shows signs of distress (e.g., prolonged vocalization, eliminating inside the crate, trying to escape, salivation) while using the training methods provided in this handout, consult your veterinarian.

Location Hours
Monday8:00am – 5:30pm
Tuesday8:00am – 5:30pm
Wednesday8:00am – 5:30pm
Thursday8:00am – 5:30pm
Friday8:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday8:30am – 12:00pm

We are closed from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM